[NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements   

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[NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements

Messagepar Attila » Lun 19 Déc 2011 16:03

imageRedsn0w est un utilitaire de Jailbreak d'iPhone edge / 3G / 3GS / 4, iPod Touch, iPad.
Redsn0w supporte les iOS 4.0, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1/4.3.2/4.3.3,4.3.4 et 5/5.0.1 pour (presque) tout iDevice: iPhone 3G/3GS (new/old iboot) 4, iPod Touch (3G, 4G), iPad (tethered pour le 4.2.1 et 5, untethered pour 4.0, 4.1, 4.3.1 et 4.3.2). Ne supporte pas l'iPad 2 ni l'iPhone 4S.

Redsn0w vous permet de faire un fichier IPSW customisé qui permet de passer en iOS déjà jailbreaké.

Utilisateurs de Windows Vista ou Windows 7: Pensez à lancer l'application en tant qu'administrateur et en mode de compatibilité XP (clic droit sur l'exe, propriété).

Attention: Redsn0w met à jour votre Baseband. Si vous utilisez un désimlock, utilisez plutôt sn0wbreeze.

Version 0.9.9b9b
- Enables the “Custom” button for Windows users, and make the 3GS week 35 warning a more explicit part of the process.

Version 0.9.9b9
- native support for 5.0.1 (no need to point redsn0w at 5.0 IPSW or use command-line args). Support automatically extends to all of redsn0w’s various functions: “Jailbreak”, “Just boot”, “Fetch blobs”, “Stitch blobs”, “Recovery Fix”
- iBooks fixed in 5.0 and 5.0.1. This is a targeted fix that doesn’t remove entire sandbox mechanism. 5.x users already using redsn0w “Just Boot” can just use the new version without redoing entire jailbreak again
- 3GS old-bootrom owners can now create custom IPSWs without blobs
- ultrasn0w compatability update (i.e. same baseband requirements) for 5.0.1 will be available on Cydia Monday
- support for newer 8GB iPhone4 (which until now had problems with “Fetch blobs”). Thanks to @JKjeepnJeff for loaning us one of these newer i4 units for testing!
- allows Windows users (not just OS X users) to use the “Custom” button to create IPSWs without baseband updates. (Update: please wait for 0.9.9b9b for this!)
- accommodates APTickets in 5.x (until next Apple countermove). APTickets are crypto-verified before submitting to Cydia, just like the main blobs. Cydia server support for sending back the APTickets is upcoming. For now, use stitched IPSWs for 5.x. Due to APTickets, stitched 5.x IPSWs now require user to start in “Pwned DFU” mode
- Support added for stitching 4.x blobs to iPad2-GSM IPSWs. Similar to @notcom’s TinyCFW but doesn’t require lots of RAM or a TSS-assisted restore. Won’t work for iPad2 5.x blobs (or iPhone4S at all) until a bootrom-level exploit is out
- top line now shows whether (and where) a redsn0w update is available, or if the version being run is the latest. Uses DNS TXT record to alleviate any concerns about snooping
- no 5.1 beta support at this time (major apps like Cydia are not yet compatible)
- @pod2g has been doing a great job porting his 5.x untether…check his blog for updates!
- Owners of newer 3GS iPhones must not flash the iPad baseband. The iPad baseband will not work on 3GS iPhones built later than 2011 week 35. You have a week 35 or later device if your serial # starts with xx135.


télécharger Télécharger Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b/0.9.7b6/0.9.6rc16/0.9.4: Jailbreak de l'iOS 5/4.3.4/4.3.3/4.2.1

http://blog.iphone-dev.org/redsn0w-iOS5Site officiel : http://blog.iphone-dev.org/redsn0w-iOS5
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Inscription: Lun 28 Déc 2009 18:41

Re: [NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements

Messagepar sixounet » Mar 20 Déc 2011 00:09

Salut à tous
Je vais acquérir un iPhone 4 dans 2 jours et je ne me suis jamais trop penché sur cette histoire de baseband.
C'est un iPhone d'occasion de 6 mois désimlocké officielement par Orange. Le jaibreak aura t-il une influence sur le désimlockage ?
Merci de votre réponse
Messages: 3
Inscription: Jeu 23 Sep 2010 19:50

Re: [NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements

Messagepar Attila » Mar 20 Déc 2011 00:21

non !
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Inscription: Lun 28 Déc 2009 18:41

Re: [NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements

Messagepar SYR » Mar 20 Déc 2011 13:00

Jailbreak tethered ou untethered ?
Petit parleur
Messages: 80
Inscription: Ven 28 Mai 2010 16:02

Re: [NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements

Messagepar Attila » Mar 20 Déc 2011 13:10

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Messages: 2919
Inscription: Lun 28 Déc 2009 18:41

Re: [NEWS]Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b : Jailbreak de l'iOS 5.0.1 et divers changements

Messagepar SYR » Mer 21 Déc 2011 12:35

Merci Attila je vais attendre un peu alors
Petit parleur
Messages: 80
Inscription: Ven 28 Mai 2010 16:02

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