[NEWS]Une mise à jour 4.3.3 pour corriger la traque de votre iPhone ?   

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[NEWS]Une mise à jour 4.3.3 pour corriger la traque de votre iPhone ?

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 28 Avr 2011 21:08

imageVous le savez maintenant, votre iPhone vous suit à la trace à chaque déplacement. Apple vient de faire une déclaration officielle et compte bien sortir une mise à jour de l'iOS afin d'empêcher votre iPhone de garder une trace de ces déplacements.

La raison de ce fichier qui traque vos déplacements est pour accélérer la récupération de votre position. En effet, l'iPhone récupère des infos sur les points d'accès Wifi et les tours de téléphonie afin de pouvoir savoir où vous vous trouvez, même sans avoir à accéder au GPS, ou plus rapidement.

Ces données servent donc pour accélérer le traitement de votre position, et pas pour vous fliquer dans le moindre de vos mouvements.

En fait, votre iPhone garde ces données, même quand vous définissez de refuser de récupérer des données de localisation, et il est là le bug.
Une mise à jour 4.3.3 devrait sortir prochainement afin de supprimer ou empêcher ces sauvegardes des données des points d'accès et tours GSM, mais seulement si vous désactivez les options de localisation.

Voici une séance de questions / réponses de la part d'Apple :
Apple would like to respond to the questions we have recently received about the gathering and use of location information by our devices.

1. Why is Apple tracking the location of my iPhone?
Apple is not tracking the location of your iPhone. Apple has never done so and has no plans to ever do so.

2. Then why is everyone so concerned about this?
Providing mobile users with fast and accurate location information while preserving their security and privacy has raised some very complex technical issues which are hard to communicate in a soundbite. Users are confused, partly because the creators of this new technology (including Apple) have not provided enough education about these issues to date.

3. Why is my iPhone logging my location?
The iPhone is not logging your location. Rather, it’s maintaining a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers around your current location, some of which may be located more than one hundred miles away from your iPhone, to help your iPhone rapidly and accurately calculate its location when requested. Calculating a phone’s location using just GPS satellite data can take up to several minutes. iPhone can reduce this time to just a few seconds by using Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data to quickly find GPS satellites, and even triangulate its location using just Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data when GPS is not available (such as indoors or in basements). These calculations are performed live on the iPhone using a crowd-sourced database of Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data that is generated by tens of millions of iPhones sending the geo-tagged locations of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers in an anonymous and encrypted form to Apple.

4. Is this crowd-sourced database stored on the iPhone?
The entire crowd-sourced database is too big to store on an iPhone, so we download an appropriate subset (cache) onto each iPhone. This cache is protected but not encrypted, and is backed up in iTunes whenever you back up your iPhone. The backup is encrypted or not, depending on the user settings in iTunes. The location data that researchers are seeing on the iPhone is not the past or present location of the iPhone, but rather the locations of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers surrounding the iPhone’s location, which can be more than one hundred miles away from the iPhone. We plan to cease backing up this cache in a software update coming soon (see Software Update section below).

5. Can Apple locate me based on my geo-tagged Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?
No. This data is sent to Apple in an anonymous and encrypted form. Apple cannot identify the source of this data.

6. People have identified up to a year’s worth of location data being stored on the iPhone. Why does my iPhone need so much data in order to assist it in finding my location today?
This data is not the iPhone’s location data—it is a subset (cache) of the crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower database which is downloaded from Apple into the iPhone to assist the iPhone in rapidly and accurately calculating location. The reason the iPhone stores so much data is a bug we uncovered and plan to fix shortly (see Software Update section below). We don’t think the iPhone needs to store more than seven days of this data.

7. When I turn off Location Services, why does my iPhone sometimes continue updating its Wi-Fi and cell tower data from Apple’s crowd-sourced database?
It shouldn’t. This is a bug, which we plan to fix shortly (see Software Update section below).

8. What other location data is Apple collecting from the iPhone besides crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?
Apple is now collecting anonymous traffic data to build a crowd-sourced traffic database with the goal of providing iPhone users an improved traffic service in the next couple of years.

9. Does Apple currently provide any data collected from iPhones to third parties?
We provide anonymous crash logs from users that have opted in to third-party developers to help them debug their apps. Our iAds advertising system can use location as a factor in targeting ads. Location is not shared with any third party or ad unless the user explicitly approves giving the current location to the current ad (for example, to request the ad locate the Target store nearest them).

10. Does Apple believe that personal information security and privacy are important?
Yes, we strongly do. For example, iPhone was the first to ask users to give their permission for each and every app that wanted to use location. Apple will continue to be one of the leaders in strengthening personal information security and privacy.

http://www.redmondpie.com/ios-4.3.3-firmware-update-for-iphone-4-3gs-ipad-ipod-touch-on-its-way/Source : http://www.redmondpie.com/ios-4.3.3-firmware-update-for-iphone-4-3gs-ipad-ipod-touch-on-its-way/
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Inscription: Lun 28 Déc 2009 18:41

Re: [NEWS]Une mise à jour 4.3.3 pour corriger la traque de votre iPhone ?

Messagepar tompus » Ven 29 Avr 2011 07:40

Je me souviens, de l'époque d'avant l' "explosion" d'internet... les appareils et les jeux sortaient "fini", sans devoir faire de mise à jour pour corriger des bugs ou autre... alors qu'aujourd'hui, les fabricants (Apple, Sony, Ubisoft, ...) peuvent se permettre de vendre un produit non-fini, et de ratrapper avec des mises à jour... et entre le moment où on achète l'appareil ou le jeu, et le moment où la mise à jour sort, on a pleins de bugs... ça ne devrait pas se passer ainsi.
Apprenti parleur
Messages: 212
Inscription: Mar 8 Juin 2010 14:37

Re: [NEWS]Une mise à jour 4.3.3 pour corriger la traque de votre iPhone ?

Messagepar Attila » Ven 29 Avr 2011 20:41

en même temps, quand tu rajoute des fonctionnalités, il y a parfois des erreurs qui se rajoutent aussi.
Autrefois, ton jeu/logiciel sortait fini et n'était pas amélioré
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Administrateur du site
Messages: 2919
Inscription: Lun 28 Déc 2009 18:41

Re: [NEWS]Une mise à jour 4.3.3 pour corriger la traque de votre iPhone ?

Messagepar psykoknarf » Ven 29 Avr 2011 22:35

Ah qu'il est loin, ce temps, quand on allait acheter un jeu à JE NE SAIS PLUS combien de disquettes (amiga, C64...)

La seule solution qui restait pour améliorer un jeu, c'était de sortir un coffret SPECIAL EDITION avec des améliorations ou un coffret anniversaire

Plus on avance, et plus on se rapproche du mur de la honte :teach
Messages: 39
Inscription: Jeu 10 Fév 2011 20:35

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